Monday, 18 April 2011


Right, this is something that needs to be said. Am absolutely sick to teeth of listening to females wandering around saying "I'm a GURL but I play GAMES" as if it's the most unique thing in the world and "omg gaiz come look at ME".

As a female who is probably not a hardcore gamer but still fairly clued up, I am in no way impressed by this business.
Reading on Facebook a while back that a friend of a friend had posted

"OmG those guys in gamestop today didn't know what hit them when two girls went in to buy Call Of Duty: Black Ops!!"

NO, JUST NO. You are placing women back a good few decades. I'm not a hardcore feminist but I do give a damn about how you're making us look. So what if you look halfway decent and play games?
I can wear a short dress, or I can play vidjoe games with the best of them. Rarely both at the same time. That doesn't mean I get all giddy because I walked into Gamestop in a mini skirt and "OMG that guy just LOOKED at me". What do you expect, really?

To recap, most of the general population play vidjoe games at this stage. It's not that unusual to see girls playing, even pretty girls. (SHOCK).

1 comment:

Claire said...

I hear ya. It's the same with girls who read comics. I'm so sick of being in Sub City or Forbidden Planet or whatever, minding my own business and treating it like a library, only to have a group of giggling girls walk in and loudly discuss comics in front of the mostly male nerds, just for attention. HOWS ABOUT YOU GROW THE FUCK UP!?!? Gah.