Monday 18 April 2011


Right, this is something that needs to be said. Am absolutely sick to teeth of listening to females wandering around saying "I'm a GURL but I play GAMES" as if it's the most unique thing in the world and "omg gaiz come look at ME".

As a female who is probably not a hardcore gamer but still fairly clued up, I am in no way impressed by this business.
Reading on Facebook a while back that a friend of a friend had posted

"OmG those guys in gamestop today didn't know what hit them when two girls went in to buy Call Of Duty: Black Ops!!"

NO, JUST NO. You are placing women back a good few decades. I'm not a hardcore feminist but I do give a damn about how you're making us look. So what if you look halfway decent and play games?
I can wear a short dress, or I can play vidjoe games with the best of them. Rarely both at the same time. That doesn't mean I get all giddy because I walked into Gamestop in a mini skirt and "OMG that guy just LOOKED at me". What do you expect, really?

To recap, most of the general population play vidjoe games at this stage. It's not that unusual to see girls playing, even pretty girls. (SHOCK).

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Is this kid a meme?

Found this today while I was doing research on children and their hairstyles. All I can say is DEAR GOD! If no one has started this yet let's start now!

Sunday 6 March 2011

Eric Goldberg is one of the most amazing people ever to grace the Earth!

Ok, so I'm still quite in awe of having the man himself pay a visit to our college. Now you too can share in the fun!
Here's some footage I took, hope it's appreciated!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Things I want/need to buy

Newest version of Flash :/

new wacom tablet

a rucksack of some description

new pair of headphones to drown people out when I'm working

new jeans :3

art books... I want every Pixar art book ever made.

copy of the Rocky Horror picture Show with the soundtrack..

old music, need some Cab Calloway..

someone to carry all my new things :3

some more cava...

a million sketchbooks..

a haircut D:

some knee pads/wrist pads so that I can rollerblade fearlessly.

a laptop that I can actually use fancy shmancy art programs in

a huge external hard drive :D

I'm sure the list will go on but it's nice to know what I'd get if I got a large sum of money :D

Saturday 11 December 2010

Quick thought.

While I was in work today I was incredibly bored (fast food places have weird patterns of busyness) and starting examining a Euro coin that I happened to have on me. It was one of those Italian ones that I seem to accumulate like mad, and I couldn't help but think about the image on the back. A bit more meaningful than the harp methinks.
I couldn't help but wonder though how Da Vinci would have felt about that if he were alive though. Can we consider him a sellout now? Maybe he'd just have felt revered what with money not having as many evil connotations back then (don't quote me on that).

Would you feel humbled knowing that something you created was sitting in the wallet of (most) every person in your country. (insert minor witticism about condoms)

Ba mhaith liom free stuff!

I'm starting a quest, to get as much free junk as I can from the internet. I don't care if it's useless, or if it has a logo splashed all over it. I just want the joy of something arriving in my letterbox that I didn't have to pay for. (that said, I'd rather not have people urinating through my letterbox)
Is that really so much to ask?
So I'm entering some competitions, following some newsletters and generally just wasting my time. I'm probably going to get a few viruses from dodgy websites, but it'll be a lesson well learnt.

This quest is pretty difficult seeing as most of these free samples won't get delivered to Ireland which is a major bummer. That said, I could have had a fine ugly and smelly chair from craigslist in Dublin. Or a pug/plethora of cats. Not sure how I feel about people giving away animals on websites, doesn't sit right with me for some reason. People are fine, don't get me wrong there, I'll gladly take a free human being :D

(I do not endorse slavery)

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Let's start at the very beginning...

I hear it's a very good place to start?

Life is good if a bit busy, I'm doing Animation in Iadt which is quite frankly one of the coolest courses ever!

It took a year's work;

> dropping out of a course that was supposed to "help" me,

> getting a job as a fast food slave (the pay ain't great but oh what larks young pip)

> arguing with my parents about whether or not only putting one course on my CAO was a good idea (yes, yes it was)

> Getting very depressed at the prospect of not getting into the course and being a pizza salesperson for the rest of my life.

Oof hard work eh? You'll get to hear about this and lots more if you continue to read this blog!
Or don't, I don't care. Really I'm just that cool.